Former Eleanor Kirkpatrick
Franco-American Fellows

To read research papers, power point presentations and view video of past student presentations click the learn more buttons following the links below.



The 2023 Fellows enjoyed a life changing trip to France with the Eleanor Kirkpatrick Franco-American Fellows Program! They experienced French culture, conducted research and made new friends with the support of host families and Académie d'Amiens!



The 2022 Fellows celebrated a triumphant return to France for the Eleanor Kirkpatrick Franco-American Fellows Program! They focused on their research projects, experiencing French culture and making new friends with the help of their host families and Académie d'Amiens!



The 2021 Fellows were unfortunately unable to conduct their research in Ameins due to the continued global pandemic. They will have the opportunity to pursue their research in 2022 if safety allows. In lieu of travel, this year’s Fellows utilized technology to research and present their projects via Zoom to French and English audiences.



The 2020 Fellows were unfortunately unable to conduct their research in Ameins due to the global pandemic. They will have the opportunity to pursue their research in 2021 if safety allows.



The 2019 Fellows were accompanied by Cyndy Shaw from Westminster School. They conducted their research in Ameins in March 2019.

2018 Felliows

2018 Fellows & Projects

The 2018 Fellows conducted their research in March 2018 in Lycée Marie Curie, Nogent-sur-Oise. 


2017 Fellows & Projects

The 2017 Fellows were accompanied by Peggy Whittington of Edmond Memorial and Edmond Santa Fe High Schools. These students conducted their reserach in March 2017 in Lycée Européen in Villers-Cotterets.


2016 Fellows & Projects

The Fellows were accompanied by Jean Dawson, French Teacher of Yukon High School. They conducted their research in Crépy-en-Valois, in the Picardie region of France, at the Lycée Jean Monnet-Crépy-en-Valois. These outstanding students traveled to Picardie  for two weeks, March 5-19, 2016, conducting research on their individual projects. This program is a life changing experience for these students and the only program of its kind in the United States.

EKFAF 2015

2015 Fellows & projects

The 2015  Eleanor Kirkpatrick Franco-American Fellows conducted their research in Chantilly, France! They had the chance to tour the horse stables and Royaumont Abbaye in Chantilly!


2014 Fellows & projects

The Accompanying Teacher is Karen McChesney, Mustang High School and President of the Alliance Française d’OKC

Félicitations and many congratulations to these students for being selected as 2014 Eleanor Kirkpatrick Franco-American Fellows and to Karen McChesney for the honor of accompanying these talented ambassadors of Oklahoma.


2013 Fellows & Projects

The group traveled to France in March 2013, where they attended school at the Lycée Léonardo da Vinci in Soissons, and completed individual research projects.  They were accompanied by Kris Earle, French teacher at Ada High School.


2012 Fellows & Projets

The group traveled to France in March 2012, where they attended school at the Lycée Hugues Capet in Senlis, and completed individual research projects.  They were accompanied by Elise Robillard.


2011 Fellows & Projects

The group traveled to Amiens in March, 2011, where they attended school at the Lycée Boucher de Perthes in Abbeville, and completed individual research projects.  They were accompanied by Cyndy Shaw.


2010 Fellows & Projects

The four 2010 Eleanor Kirkpatrick Franco-American Fellows had an enriching experience in Amiens in March, 2010.  They attended classes at the Lycée Robert de Luzarches, toured the town, traveled to the beaches of Normandy, and visited the Champs de Bataille de la Somme.

In April, 2010, six students from the Académie d’Amiens spent two weeks in Oklahoma on the Fellows program.  They attended classes at Classen School of Advanced Studies in Oklahoma City, and conducted research of their own.